Agromark, a leading Spanish export company specialising in fruits and vegetables, has successfully enhanced its return on investment (ROI) and minimised its carbon footprint through the implementation of Tosca’s innovative foldable bin solution. Tosca, a global leader in reusable packaging and performance pooling solutions for food supply chains, collaborated closely with Agromark to address the complex transportation and quality preservation requirements of the company’s broccoli exports from Spain to the UK.

Broccoli, a delicate cruciferous vegetable, requires an efficient packaging solution that maintains its freshness and quality throughout the supply chain. Tosca’s comprehensive consultancy process enabled them to identify the ideal solution for Agromark’s needs. By replacing the rigid plastic boxes previously utilised by the company, Tosca modified a reusable foldable plastic bin tailored to this application.

Designed specifically to protect the quality and freshness of the broccoli, the foldable bin measures 120x100x80cm and incorporates a customised base. Even when the container is filled to capacity, the top layers of broccoli remain undamaged. This innovative solution from Tosca ensures outstanding ventilation, significantly extending the shelf life of Agromark’s broccoli and ensuring its arrival in prime condition to British customers. Consequently, Agromark has witnessed a significant reduction in product waste and losses.

The foldable bin from Tosca offers not only enhanced product preservation but also notable cost savings and sustainability benefits.

With a folded height of just 36.5cm when empty, the bin optimises storage efficiency during return trips.

Agromark can now transport 104 more empty bins per truck, totalling 182 foldable bins, compared to their previous rigid bin solution.

This significant increase in capacity translates to a 75% reduction in return trips for Agromark.

In effect, what previously required 56 trucks every 28 weeks now only needs 14 return trips, resulting in substantial cost savings and a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

Moreover, Tosca’s foldable bins offer the advantage of easy repair, eliminating the need to discard and replace bins in the event of damage.

To learn more about how Tosca can optimise your supply chain, sustainably, visit

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