The past few years have certainly highlighted which businesses are managing to deliver great service whilst working through Brexit, Covid and the energy crisis. In these tough economic conditions service management technology has shown to be a primary differentiator for leading service operations. So why do some companies put off upgrading their service management software?

As a Director, here are the 4 most-common excuses to listen out for & overcome if you want to achieve a competitive advantage:

Speculative investment in technology solutions won’t help in the current climate.

However the longer service managers and engineers don’t have access to real-time information & reports the less likely you are to be able to achieve efficiency.

It’s a fact that engineers can dramatically improve first-time fix rates with better scheduling, detailed contract and asset information, not to mention the correct parts for the job.

Granted, not all service management software is the same, but if you can find the right product for your business you can quickly improve first time fix rates. Even initial small improvements mean you can complete more work from the same cost base, so you can make more money. Delaying an upgrade due to risk of investment not only results in inefficiencies for your customers but also keeps your business behind the competition.

Engineers won’t be happy.

This is just a modern myth. In fact engineers really value service management technology that gives them logical scheduling, smart route planning and the stock they need at the right time and location. Engineer job satisfaction and service management technology are intrinsically linked.

So, if you want to retain happy engineers then don’t use them as an excuse to implement service management technology, they will literally thank you for it. Include them in the process of assessing and implementing solutions and you will build even greater loyalty.

We don’t have time to implement new service management software.

A common excuse is that service teams are often too backed up with old jobs that they want to avoid any hassle of implementing something new.

It’s true, any new software does require time for implementation, but it also considerably improves scheduling and reduces administration, saving hours and hours of time. So, the more you put it off the longer you will suffer. 

We’re doing ok at the moment; we don’t need to change.

If this reason is backed up by real-time data and bespoke reporting capability they might have a point. If you can assess contract, site and asset profitability and you are using your service management software to help when it comes to re-pricing then you might be onto a winner. But most businesses are simply using gut feel rather than informed decisions based on data and the bigger your operation the riskier this strategy is.

Implementing a new software like Service Geeni will give you access to meaningful data that can back up your decisions, so you can implement improvements faster and more confidently, helping you deliver your plans for growth.

It’s been proven that having an effective service management system will help you deliver a better service.

There needs to be strong communication between service management teams and the board to ensure that when you need to upgrade your software you don’t put it off for the wrong reasons and instead work together to allocate the resources and time to choose a service management software provider that can help you deliver a real competitive advantage.

If you’ve heard of any of the excuses made in this article and consider yourself a service business that wants to excel, then please get in touch with us at Service Geeni and we can arrange a quick 15-minute chat to discuss, no excuses!

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