The logistics sector is predicted to grow 3.6% annually over the next five years. Whether transporting or receiving goods by air, water or land, or storing goods in warehouses, Yale is the full-line solutions partner for materials handling equipment that can be relied upon in such time-pressured environments. Robust and reliable trucks are the winning formula for minimising downtime and getting the job done in logistics operations.


Yale understands the demands placed on equipment in cold environments and offers a range of solutions that minimise repair, maintenance, and downtime, and maximise machine productivity, efficiency, and lifespan. With tools such as the Yale warehouse simulator and aisle-width calculator, Yale can unlock hidden opportunities and help you to make the best use of warehouse space and workflow.

Order picking solutions

Whether picking from a mezzanine, ground or second level, in ambient, chilled or freezer chambers, Yale has a blend of order picking and tugger train solutions to suit your needs.

•MO10-25 Low level Order picker

•MO10 medium and high-level Order Pickers

•MTC 10-13-15 Very Narrow Aisle

•MT70-80 and MO50-70T Tow Tractors with Tugger Train Systems

Many of these trucks have optional equipment that allows them to operate in cold store conditions.

Land transport

For a warehouse operation to function at maximum productivity and efficiency, and fulfil its consumer orders, unloading and loading at speed is absolutely essential.

Yale offers an all-encompassing range of equipment solutions ideal for unloading and loading road freight. Whether you are dealing with curtain siders, low loaders or other lorries, no matter how tight the space or congested the loading and unloading bays, trust Yale machines to meet your most specific requirements.

At Yale, we realise operators can range from the very experienced to virtual beginner. So, we focus on simplicity of use and common architecture to ensure our equipment delivers the required productivity, regardless of operator level. Cross-docking is an essential part of complex supply chains, with the potential to cause pinch-points and affect the onward supply chain. So, it is vitally important to supply operators with equipment that is reliable, efficient, comfortable and able to cope with peaks in demand.

For more information on the extensive range of materials handling equipment from Yale go to


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