David Thomas: General Manager ZoneSafe

Employers have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure employee safety across all sectors and this must be central to operations in high-risk industries. According to HSE data, falls from height and being struck by a moving vehicle present the highest rate of fatal accident at work in the UK[1]. Thankfully, fatal incidents are rare however with the logistics sector reporting 11 fatalities in 2019/20, almost twice the national average across all sectors, and around 28,000 non-fatal accidents on average every year, it is clear more can be done within the sector[2].

RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) reporting shows the greatest cause of non-fatal accidents within the logistics sector in 2019/20  involved collision with a moving vehicle (35%) and from falls from height (22%). It is imperative all measures are taken to make these workplaces safe through a combination of strict procedure, training and supportive safety technology. With the total economic cost to the industry estimated at around £809M, investment in safety makes sense[3] .

There is no doubt the evolution of workplace safety technology offers the potential for safer working practise within industrial operations. Manufacturers work hard to meet the needs of the industry, developing state-of-the-art solutions equipped to address a wide range of known risk factors. Solutions that signal operators and pedestrians when in close proximity, anti-collision alert systems, RFID technology, 360-degree cameras, interactive crossings and audible/visual alerts help in increasing the situational awareness of personnel working with and around moving vehicles.  Working at height presents the threat of severe injury not only from falls but also from falling objects and debris onto personnel and equipment below. By creating safe zones on the ground and incorporating alert systems, this threat can be significantly reduced.

Technology supports safety, helping to reduce risks associated with daily operation, however only when combined with a robust safety culture, clearly communicated procedures and training can its full potential be unlocked. Safety technology is only one part of the solution; operators need to know how to use it effectively with clear understanding. By providing effective training to support new procedures and equipment, staff are more likely to buy in and embrace the role technology plays in a safer working environment.

During installation of any new technology, equipment manufacturers should deploy system experts to ensure a thorough understanding of the product within the workforce and provide onboarding training to new users or company trainers. Refresher training should also be considered to ensure staff retain knowledge of systems and are aware of changing safety procedures and legislation. Employers should identify additional risk factors within the operational team including the extension of equipment training and procedural awareness to everyone involved with new technology including temporary and contract staff.

Threats evolve with time and employers are now faced with the challenges presented by new risks to safety including the outbreak of Covid-19. Safety procedures and training will be transformed as a result while technology manufacturers have been quick to respond, offering new and innovative solutions to enable social distancing and safe working practise during and beyond the pandemic.

Sadly, work related injuries and fatalities do occur but these are avoidable when innovative safety technology is combined with thorough training of staff and robust safety procedures. The provision of training alongside technology investment empowers individuals to protect themselves and others.

[1] https://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/pdf/fatalinjuries.pdf

[2] https://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/industry/transportation.pdf

[3] https://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/industry/transportation.pdf

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