Unipart Group has won an award for the best in-house corporate communications response to the pandemic.

The CovidComms Awards 2020 replaced the annual CorpComms Awards and concentrated on the work of communicators during the crisis. Over 100 companies, public sector organisations and agencies entered. Communications specialists from Unipart Group and its divisions have been working together as one team to meet three leadership priorities: keeping our people safe, keeping our customers safe, and keeping our processes operational.

A prime focus was informing employees of the rapidly-changing situation on an almost daily basis. While physical changes were being implemented in sites, it was vital to engage colleagues in the behavioural and cultural changes required for a Covid-Secure workplace, and to manage the communication to people in Unipart sites as well as those working from home.

Judges were impressed by the sheer volume of materials produced. The output of the team increased by nearly 200%.

The largest single communication was a 60-page online operational handbook called Roadmap to Return which set out the processes for managing in a Covid-secure environment in warehouses, factories and offices. Unipart’s unique Digital Communication Cells were central to linking Unipart people working on site with those working remotely so geographic boundaries virtually disappeared.

A multi-million pound investment, Digital Communication Cells are powerful information portals that provide teams with up-to-the minute business data vital for day-to-day activity. They make it possible for teams to meet virtually anywhere across the globe, and review performance data in real time, working together to solve problems, and access important news and information.

Frank Nigriello, Unipart Group Director of Corporate Affairs, said: ‘While the pandemic has been terrifying, it brought out the best in our team. Our response demonstrated colleagues across the group would step out of their day-to-day role and work as one team to deliver clear, professional, creative and engaging communications at an incredible pace.’

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