The integrated lithium-ion battery power system in the Flexi LiTHiON range of articulated warehouse trucks, has been awarded VDE safety certification – the highest safety and quality standard in Europe for this advanced technology.

John Maguire, managing director of Narrow Aisle Ltd, comments: “Battery safety and quality is a key product differentiator when supplying lithium-ion-powered materials handling equipment. It has always been Narrow Aisle’s policy to only use top ‘tier one’ quality drive and hydraulic components across the Flexi range and the design, software, battery and charger systems that we use to power the Flexi LiTHiON range are the most efficient lithium-ion energy storage solutions on the market.”

He continues: “VDE certification is a recognised guarantee of a component’s safety and products tested by the VDE Institute that receive the VDE seal of approval can be relied upon for the quality of their build and performance over many years of operation. And the batteries’ seven year warranty period makes lithium power competitively priced compared to LP gas or lead acid battery sources”

The Flexi LiTHiON range was launched by Narrow Aisle in 2018 and is proving highly popular with third party logistics service suppliers and own-account warehouse operators across a number of industries.

John Maguire adds: “At sites where Flexi units are required to work at any time during a 24 hour day, there is a growing trend to replace engine trucks with lithium-ion-powered machines which reduce emissions and noise within the warehouse and help to maximise supply chain efficiency.”

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