600-door-panel.jpgManaging Director of sara Loading Bay specialists, Mike Bunn, has uncompromising views on cost management. “High energy costs, whether to heat or cool your premises are a larger part of your budget in these harsh economic times. A sara Sprint High-Speed door is a proven method of reducing these costs, where a traditional door may be left open for “those 5 minutes in the yard”, a sara Sprint door can be open and shut again in seconds, saving precious energy. In fact customers are reporting savings of up to £500 per week.

When these savings are coupled with sara’s innovative lease purchase agreement the door will pay for itself. sara Sprint doors can be seen in our interactive demonstration area in Watford or by arrangement with one of the sara sales team at one of our satisfied customer’s sites. Go on you know it makes sense”.

For further details of sara products and services please call 01923 208888; email info@saralbs.co.uk or visit www.saralbs.co.uk

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