onestepsmall.jpgRaising the bar for desktop baggers, Automated Packaging Systems unveiled the PS 125 ‘FreeSpace’ at the recent PPMA Show. No stranger to innovation, the international bagging leader has harnessed the latest engineering developments to offer a solution with all the benefits of an Autobag system, but in a simple table-top design. “The PS 125 ‘FreeSpace’ desktop bagger compresses all we know about bagging into a smaller package,” says Mike Healey, European Marketing Manager at Automated Packaging Systems. “Specifically designed for low- to mid-volume operations, it’s highly productive, flexible and simple – just like any other Autobag machine – but on a smaller footprint.”

“The machine has been adopted for a wide range of applications. Everything from splitting bulk purchase fittings and craft items for retail to dispatching goods from offices,” he says. “The option to have products go out in individually labelled clearly-branded bags has been particularly well received.

“At the other extreme, the PS 125 ‘FreeSpace’ is giving Autobag users the option to bag efficiently within production cells for the first time, rather than move goods to a separate department for bagging.”

The new PS 125 ‘FreeSpace’ desktop bagging system is capable of operating at speeds up to 25 bags per minute, weighs no more than 50kg and features a footprint of 550mm x 480mm. The quiet, all-electric design doesn’t require compressed air to run, making the unit suitable for non-industrial applications.  And the unique lockable turntable enables ergonomic handling and changeover of Autobag bags-on-a-roll in tight spaces.

An optional built-in imprinter features next-bag-out printing technology and is ideal for short-run and order fulfilment. And the PS 125 ‘FreeSpace’ connects to Local Area Networks like a standard printer, making it possible to integrate office systems and print directly onto bags from remote locations. The imprinter is capable of printing high resolution graphics, text and bar codes directly onto the bag, eliminating the need for a separate labelling operation.

“The PS 125 ‘FreeSpace’ desktop bagger has many unique features,” emphasises Mike Healey. “But it also offers the user-friendly operating system and superb standards of reliability which our customers have come to expect. And the tried and tested Autobag on-board system diagnostics simplify maintenance and maximise productivity.

Automated Packaging Systems
Tel: 01684 891400

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