They are the lifeblood of British industry, but warehouses are also full of potential risks to the health and safety of their employees, and this fact demands an effective and comprehensive first aid strategy.


Bull Products have been manufacturing and sourcing the highest quality life saving products since 2001, but what advice do they give in relation to an effective first aid kit?

Dressing, bandages and plasters

The number of dressings, bandages and plasters your first aid kit requires will depend a lot on how many staff you employ in a specific area and the nature of the work involved. As a general rule, the HSE recommends a minimum of 20 individually wrapped sterile plasters, four individually wrapped triangular bandages and two large individually wrapped sterile wound dressings for working environments involving low hazards. For warehouses it will be significantly more.


Consider your staff numbers and the potential risks to determine the number of each you will require.


For warehouses that work with potentially harmful liquids or substances it is essential that you keep a stock of sterile eyewash on the premises that is easily accessible. The first 10 to 15 seconds after your eye has been exposed to a harmful substance are critical, and a conveniently located eyewash station can be the difference between a full recovery and permanent , irreversible damage.


Burns treatment

Just like with exposure to harmful substances, recovery from burns depends on the swiftness of the treatment, which is why it is essential that burns kits are in place in environments where this is a risk.


The extent to which you want to prepare for this hazard will depend on the potential for harm, however it is always better to be overly equipped than under-equipped.

Effective training

Any first aid kit is only as effective as the expertise of the person administering the treatment, which is why for environments with a medium to high risk, it is vital that there are individuals on hand who have had the appropriate training.

Even a basic First Aid at Work course includes instruction on many of the procedures that may be necessary in a warehouse environment, including treatment for wounds and CPR, so make sure that you have the appropriate number of first aiders or appointed persons. An appointed person is someone responsible for first aid arrangements, including looking after equipment and facilities and calling emergency services when required.

The HSE recommends at least one first aider trained in First Aid at Work for every 50 employees in higher hazard environments such as warehouses.

John Rooney spent a year and a half as a first aider in a warehouse environment and now blogs on behalf of Bull Products – a leading manufacturer and importer of a wide range of first aid and general safety equipment.

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