For all warehouses, especially those serving businesses where there is a fast turnover of goods, operating efficiently is important. An ideal warehouse at any given time should hold only the stock necessary to provide an optimum cash flow to service ratio.


Getting an accurate picture

The first step to achieving maximum efficiency is ‘thinking inside the box’ to work out how the warehouse is being operated at the moment. This might sound simple, but perception can be different to reality. Warehousing processes may appear to work well on the surface, but that doesn’t mean they cannot be improved.

The good news is that there is software and expert help available to help organisations with optimising their warehouse, such as from Dexion and its C-WIS software suite. The ability to visualise what is going on in the warehouse using current data can help businesses see where they can continue to make improvements which if done correctly can save both time and money.

Location, location, location

Identifying which products are moving quickly and which aren’t can help to shape a more optimised warehouse. Though the difference in the amount of time spent getting to one area of a warehouse over another may seem minimal when considered in isolation, it can really add up when multiplied by the number of transactions each day. Location is important, and is one area where companies can start to make savings.


The right type of storage

Racking and shelving can go far beyond just being a static object to store stock on or in. Choosing the right type of system for each product can help to optimise the warehouse and improve processes. Traditional pallet racking is still a versatile option and remains useful in a wide range of applications. It’s configurable in a variety of ways and systems depending upon the goods stored.

However, looking at the types of stock in the warehouse and choosing the correct type of storage that best suits the item and location in question could make a huge improvement to warehouse operations. An example of poor storage is where an operative has to fish small individual items of stock out of bulk storage on pallets. This is time-consuming and could lead to stock discrepancies if not done carefully. In this instance, a vertical storage machine could not only help optimise picking times by providing central retrieval points but also save floor space.


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