munich_airportAfter two years of test, Munich airport is in no doubt: There are technical advantages to the Caljan Rite-Hite curve when comparing this to curves produced by other companies. In particular, the patented belt guidance system is far superior.

A Caljan Rite-Hite CC100 curve was installed on test at Munich airport in September 2006. With a noise level of just 65 dB, the curve is able to operate at speeds of up to 4 m/sec. The Aviation Facilities dept. is impressed with the test results “Since installing the Caljan Rite-Hite test curve approx. two years ago, we have not needed to maintain or repair it. It has not even been necessary to re-tighten the belt. Changing the belt is faster as individual components do not need to be dismantled and the construction prevents dust and foreign bodies from blocking the belt guidance bearings.”

The curve, a so-called Caljan CurveTrack, operated virtually non-stop during the two year test, safely transporting all types, shapes and sizes of baggage at high-speed through the curve. The baggage handling system uses curves with angles of 90° and 180°. Some of these are helix in design, transporting items from one level up or down to another.

A belt can typically operate between 40,000 and 50,000 hours, eventually becoming damaged due to foreign bodies and debris collecting around the belt retainers and becoming trapped at the transfer section between two curves. The airport make no bones about the test results “There are technical advantages to the Caljan Rite-Hite curve when comparing this to curves produced by other companies. In particular, the patented belt guidance system is far superior.”

With over 35 million passengers annually, the 36 miles long internal baggage handling system at Munich airport in Germany is a crucial factor in maintaining flow and customer satisfaction. To avoid downtime, every component in the system is tested to rigorous standards. The airport simply can’t afford for the baggage handling system to stand still. In their own words “optimizing the baggage handling system is a continuous process. We regularly test alternative components to ensure that we use the best possible products”. Handling more than 33,000 pieces of luggage every hour takes its toll on the system. As the system is only as good as each component, all components must meet strict requirements. The numerous curves in the system are no exception, so choosing a supplier is a critical decision.

Further Information

For further information please contact National Business Development Manager Sanjay Ghei on telephone no. 07970 454953.

Caljan Rite-Hite Ltd   UK enquiries: o1949 838 850

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